Wire Angel

Wire Angel was released on July 13, 2020. Twelve new songs, some of which I hope will speak to you. There has been a lot of praise from early reviewers -- which is good for my heart. It's available on all the usual streaming sites, such as Spotify , and YouTube (where you might want to click on 'follow' in order to be notified when I do something new there), and Apple Music. Also, you might check out this fan-operated Instagram site.




Rare Life

This is my new album – the release date: May 21st 2019. I hope the songs will speak to people in different ways. One of the themes is the survival of the planet. (We are in the middle of a multi-faceted environmental crisis – something I’ve been trying to alert people to for years. But I now feel an urgency like never before). If you would like to be involved in getting more people to hear my stuff, or if you'd just like to know a bit more of what I'm going on about – then read here.




Synaptic Overflow

Released in March 2018, this is my petit album of seven new songs. As you'd expect, they're all special to me, and I hope that at least some of them find a place in your musical universe. The album is available for download and streaming at all the usual outlets: CD Baby, Google Play, Apple Music, etc. But it would be particularly cool if you listened to them on SPOTIFY, and 'follow' me there too -- or here. Also, you might checkout Instagram.




Close to Zero

Released in July 2016, these twelve songs come from a range of ideas and inspirations, some deep, some fun, and some a mixture of both. I've stayed with my folk-rock/acoustic roots and produced a collection that I'm really happy with. Singing falsetto can be quite a challenge (read an article about that here). You can hear samples (and purchase) at CD Baby or Amazon US or iTunes or lots of other locations. The songs are also available on many streaming services.




Signs of Corrosion

Released in July 2015, I guess this album suggests I'm still basically a folk singer, but maybe it also demonstrates my love affair with music in general. As usual, they're all original songs, with me playing, singing, and producing all parts. Being a loner can sometimes make things difficult. You can listen to samples of the songs and download a copy of the album at CD Baby or Amazon UK or Amazon US or iTunes or at a growing number of other places.




1916 Memorial

I wrote and recorded this song in remembrance of the boy in the image opposite -- and to the many others like him. You can listen to a sample and download a copy at CD Baby or Amazon UK or Amazon US or iTunes or lots of other locations. The song is also on the Signs of Corrosion album.




Out of Nowhere

Some of you will know that I've been a songwriter/musician for a long time, but until recently it’s been a bit tricky to hear any of my work other than at my rare live performances. I thought I'd try changing that. So in the winter of 2013 I recorded the album Out of Nowhere -- sixteen of my songs, with me the sole performer and producer. You can listen to samples and buy (if you want) at CD Baby or Amazon MP3 or iTunes or a bunch of other places.






The Tide Turners

This was Colin's first novel.  Published in 1999, it quickly became a cult book and established the author as a story teller with a difference. Still in print, it can be ordered online from here.

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The Holy Well

This was Colin's second novel. Inspired by real places and real events, The Holy Well just might change the way you view the world and our place in it. Still widely available, it can also be ordered online here.

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See what reviewers and others have said

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The Boatbuilder's Nose

Published by CQUniPRESS, this long-awaited book demonstrates Colin's restless compulsion to travel down new literary paths. It can be read as a light, slightly fanciful novel but it also takes a serious peek at the nature of human perception and how this is linked to ancestral drives and contemporary social behaviour.  Read about it (and order it if you want) on Amazon US or Amazon UK or BetterWorldBooks.



Other Books (now out of print)

The Great Disasters Database

Goodbye Forever?
A Database of Threatened Mammals

Plant Protection in the Pacific Islands
(Teacher edition)

Plant Protection in the Pacific Islands
(Student edition)


This site was designed and produced by Mopoke Publishing. All content is copyright 1999 - 2024 Colin Macpherson, all rights reserved.